OSINT: Missing Persons
exercise, cybersecurity, psychology, trainingJay TwitchellOSINT, CTF, Trace Labs, Crowd Sourcing, Missing Persons, challenge, cyber, training, exercise, experience
AI Alignment: First Principles
martial arts, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, psychology, prevention, science, training, meditation, mindfulness, philosophyJay TwitchellAI, Alignment, Tai chi, martial arts, ethics, cybersecurity
Default State of Mind
martial arts, history, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellbuddhism, meditation, bullshit, Consciousness, self-aware
cybersecurity, martial arts, exercise, psychology, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, ninja, detective, sorcerer, defense, traps, illusions, tracking, alerts, attackers, hackers
Letting Go
martial arts, exercise, balance, pain relief, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellemotional intelligence, emotional management, release, relax, lettting go, stress management
Having No Head
Natural Born Heroes
history, exercise, martial arts, pain relief, psychology, science, sensesJay Twitchellsports, fitness, heroes, WW II, spies, greek myths, history, book review
The Baseline: Happiness Science
meditation, massage, exercise, balance, psychology, scienceJay Twitchellhappiness, science, research, depression, exercise
Exercise vs. Meds
How to Deal With Work Bullies
meditation, exercise, mindfulness, psychologyJay Twitchelltoxicenvironment, workbullies, insomnia, stress management, conflict resolution, employee wellness programs, powermyths
Vipassana Notes: Body, Change, Thought, Feeling
exercise, balance, meditation, philosophy, sensesJay TwitchellVipassana, mindfullness, employee engagement, concentration, creativity, mental health, stress management, perception, performance
Notes on Mark Epstein's, Thoughts Without a Thinker
Sun Style with Resistance Using Theraband
martial arts, meditation, exercise, balanceJay Twitchellvideo, training, strength, sensitivity, balance, tai chi, pdxtaichi, personaltraining
Tai Chi vs. Crossfit
balance, exercise, martial arts, meditation, pain relief, psychology, scienceJay Twitchelltai chi, pdx, portlandnd, fitness, balance, health, ageing
The Giving Way: Sun Style Tai Chi Notes
balance, exercise, martial arts, meditation, mindfulness, philosophy, psychology, writingJay Twitchellportland, massage, sunstyletaichi, tai chi, poems, pdx, martialarts
Stretching Treats Inflammation, Does Help with Cancer?
Effort and the Brain
Working the Center
Count Your Neurons
Tai Chi: Stroke Prevention and Recovery