OSINT: Missing Persons
exercise, cybersecurity, psychology, trainingJay TwitchellOSINT, CTF, Trace Labs, Crowd Sourcing, Missing Persons, challenge, cyber, training, exercise, experience
Tribe of Hackers
martial arts, cybersecurity, book, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, career transition, education, books, self-defense, book review, infosec, hackers, tribes, Marcus J. Carey, advice, recommendations, wisdom, myth, pain management
cybersecurity, martial arts, exercise, psychology, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, ninja, detective, sorcerer, defense, traps, illusions, tracking, alerts, attackers, hackers
Dawn of the Bot Hunter
martial arts, cybersecurity, philosophy, writingJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, SOC, threat analysis, Bladerunner, bots, robots, education, Investigator, AI, BHIS, Detective, fight, challenge, future, training, darkent diaries
Hello Cybersecurity World
psychology, philosophy, pain relief, science, cybersecurityJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, security, bootcamp, experience, virtual machines, security analysis, threat hunter, vulnerability specialist, threat analysis