Matthew Holland talks about Cyber Security
Letting Go
martial arts, exercise, balance, pain relief, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellemotional intelligence, emotional management, release, relax, lettting go, stress management
Hello Cybersecurity World
psychology, philosophy, pain relief, science, cybersecurityJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, security, bootcamp, experience, virtual machines, security analysis, threat hunter, vulnerability specialist, threat analysis
Homo Deus
meditation, history, balance, philosophy, psychology, pain relief, scienceJay Twitchellbook review, yuval noah harari, science, psychology, history, religion, government, free will, myth, future, challenges, data
Natural Born Heroes
history, exercise, martial arts, pain relief, psychology, science, sensesJay Twitchellsports, fitness, heroes, WW II, spies, greek myths, history, book review
This Naked Mind
Sleep Myths
America is Hooked on Painkillers
mindfulness, meditation, pain relief, psychology, philosophy, historyJay Twitchellpain management, chronic pain, painkillers, tai ch, balance
Tai Chi vs. Crossfit
balance, exercise, martial arts, meditation, pain relief, psychology, scienceJay Twitchelltai chi, pdx, portlandnd, fitness, balance, health, ageing
Exercise and Your Brain
Breath Work
Anxiety, Pain, and Insomnia Research
Mobility Research: Legs and the Brain
On Fascia
Meditation Strategies
Chronic Pain Relief and Tai Chi
Tai Chi for Pain and Anxiety