Social Engineering 101: Spotting Manipulation
cybersecurity, balance, prevention, trainingJay Twitchellsoft skills, social engineering, manipulation, training, self awareness, communication skills, adversity training, education, cybersecuirty
AI vs Humans
AI Alignment: First Principles
martial arts, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, psychology, prevention, science, training, meditation, mindfulness, philosophyJay TwitchellAI, Alignment, Tai chi, martial arts, ethics, cybersecurity
Default State of Mind
martial arts, history, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellbuddhism, meditation, bullshit, Consciousness, self-aware
Matthew Holland talks about Cyber Security
Letting Go
martial arts, exercise, balance, pain relief, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellemotional intelligence, emotional management, release, relax, lettting go, stress management
Having No Head
Homo Deus
meditation, history, balance, philosophy, psychology, pain relief, scienceJay Twitchellbook review, yuval noah harari, science, psychology, history, religion, government, free will, myth, future, challenges, data
Cognitive Bias Codex: Cheat Sheet
meditation, balance, science, psychologyJay Twitchellcognitive bias, bigthink, science, brain, blindspots, Memory, information, problemsolving
This Naked Mind
Why Are We Yelling?
meditation, martial arts, balance, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellarguing, arguements, fights, conflict resolution, meditation, changingminds, problemsolving
The Baseline: Happiness Science
meditation, massage, exercise, balance, psychology, scienceJay Twitchellhappiness, science, research, depression, exercise
Myofascial Memory
Sleep Myths
Dreaming and Skill Acquisition
Vipassana Notes: Body, Change, Thought, Feeling
exercise, balance, meditation, philosophy, sensesJay TwitchellVipassana, mindfullness, employee engagement, concentration, creativity, mental health, stress management, perception, performance
Notes on Mark Epstein's, Thoughts Without a Thinker
Choking Under Pressure
Sun Style with Resistance Using Theraband
martial arts, meditation, exercise, balanceJay Twitchellvideo, training, strength, sensitivity, balance, tai chi, pdxtaichi, personaltraining
Tai Chi vs. Crossfit
balance, exercise, martial arts, meditation, pain relief, psychology, scienceJay Twitchelltai chi, pdx, portlandnd, fitness, balance, health, ageing