


Due diligence

As a licensed private investigator, I can provide background checks on individuals and businesses before you commit to important relationships. Hiring new employees and needing an independent party to confirm their history and character, I can affirm the integrity of your candidates

 Online Personal data

Do you want to improve the consistency of your online information, create misinformation about yourself making it harder for scammers to zero in, or just remove your data from the internet altogether?

Whether trying to avoid being doxed, online harassment, cyberstalking, or just trying to streamline your persona, it’s important to know what the internet knows about you and have a strategy in place.


Cyber Security

data Loss Prevention

Effective DLP involves a combination of technology, policies, and employee awareness. By implementing these measures, organizations can better protect their sensitive data from accidental or malicious exposure.

Threat Analysis

Do you know who your adversaries are? You should because they know you. Discover the profile of possible threat actors that consider you an easy target and learn how to make sure you’re not the low-hanging fruit easiest picked from the victim tree. This goes for businesses and everyday people.

  Vulnerability Assessment

How vulnerable are you? Get a penetration test for your home, office, website, or application.


persuasion and coercion negation

No matter how technologically sophisticated you are, you are still only human. Learn about cognitive biases and discover your mental and emotional blindspots, increasing your ability to make better decisions during high-stress situations.



Overwhelmed by work? Do you lack energy and enthusiasm for your work? Learn proactive skills to help you recapture your mind and make the most of your time. Learn movement and meditation techniques to get even-keeled and back to business.


Self Defense

Interested in learning how to avoid physical confrontations and persevering through the ones you can’t. I offer individual and group classes in self-defense and situational awareness.