CTI: Ghost in the Machine
2025 Cyber Security Threats
Feds vs Data Brokers
cybersecurity, doxing, OSINT, preventionJay TwitchellData Brokers, cybersecurity, privacy, FCC, CFPB, FTC, security, Risk assessment
Social Engineering 101: Spotting Manipulation
cybersecurity, balance, prevention, trainingJay Twitchellsoft skills, social engineering, manipulation, training, self awareness, communication skills, adversity training, education, cybersecuirty
OSINT: Missing Persons
exercise, cybersecurity, psychology, trainingJay TwitchellOSINT, CTF, Trace Labs, Crowd Sourcing, Missing Persons, challenge, cyber, training, exercise, experience
cybersecurity, psychology, science, trainingJay Twitchellcybersecurity, OSINT, Mishaal Khan, invetigations, pigbutchering, money laundering, deepfake, Wildwesthackinfest, databreach
Doxing Defense: How to Protect Yourself and Respond Like a Pro
AI vs Humans
The AI Feast
cybersecurity, meditation, mindfulness, philosophy, prevention, psychology, scienceJay TwitchellAI, security, cybersecurity, infosec
AI Alignment: First Principles
martial arts, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, psychology, prevention, science, training, meditation, mindfulness, philosophyJay TwitchellAI, Alignment, Tai chi, martial arts, ethics, cybersecurity
Default State of Mind
martial arts, history, exercise, cybersecurity, balance, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellbuddhism, meditation, bullshit, Consciousness, self-aware
Hacking Reno: WebApp Pentesting
martial arts, cybersecurity, prevention, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, webapps, pentesting, conference, reno, hacking, nerds, defense, offense, redteam, blueteam, lessons, education, language, philosophy, science, communication, novels, movies, ideas
Tribe of Hackers
martial arts, cybersecurity, book, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, career transition, education, books, self-defense, book review, infosec, hackers, tribes, Marcus J. Carey, advice, recommendations, wisdom, myth, pain management
cybersecurity, martial arts, exercise, psychology, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, ninja, detective, sorcerer, defense, traps, illusions, tracking, alerts, attackers, hackers
What Holds Us Together?
cybersecurity, philosophy, psychology, science, preventionJay Twitchellcybersecurity, defense, ICS, education, prevention, career transition, thething, IoT, SIEM, Technology, digital, safety
Dawn of the Bot Hunter
martial arts, cybersecurity, philosophy, writingJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, SOC, threat analysis, Bladerunner, bots, robots, education, Investigator, AI, BHIS, Detective, fight, challenge, future, training, darkent diaries
Matthew Holland talks about Cyber Security
AI and the Great Filter
Cult of the Dead Cow
history, cybersecurity, philosophy, writing, bookJay TwitchellCDC, Cultofthedeadcow, cybersecurity, hacktivist, IoT, Jaws, It, Wargames, booh review, school, bootcamp, hacking
cybersecurity, historyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, sandworm, dune, digital, international, war, portlnnd, security analysis, threat analysis, William Gibson, Neuromancer, Last Starfighter, solarwind, bootcamp, book review, Bladerunner, education, save the world