Dawn of the Bot Hunter
martial arts, cybersecurity, philosophy, writingJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, SOC, threat analysis, Bladerunner, bots, robots, education, Investigator, AI, BHIS, Detective, fight, challenge, future, training, darkent diaries
Cult of the Dead Cow
history, cybersecurity, philosophy, writing, bookJay TwitchellCDC, Cultofthedeadcow, cybersecurity, hacktivist, IoT, Jaws, It, Wargames, booh review, school, bootcamp, hacking
The Giving Way: Sun Style Tai Chi Notes
balance, exercise, martial arts, meditation, mindfulness, philosophy, psychology, writingJay Twitchellportland, massage, sunstyletaichi, tai chi, poems, pdx, martialarts
Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Tai Chi notes: On Power
You Need a Bigger Cup
Coaching Journal # 1: Sparring Yourself
Breathing Meditation