Notes on Mark Epstein's, Thoughts Without a Thinker
This year I invested in reading, studying and practicing meditation. One of the best books I came across was Mark Epstein’s Thoughts Without a Thinker . Rather than try to regurgitate everything I’m just going to share a set of questions/quotes/statements from my notes.
Even pain can be interesting. Sitting in meditation is often about investing in the examination of discomfort. When it hurts is when you start learning. Pulling a way, trying to hide from pain gives it leverage. Welcoming it, trying to look at it closely, it transforms.
Other people, our own minds, and death. These are our challenges. Our greatest fear.
What are we afraid to learn?
Resistance, you are that which u resist.
Transitional space, your teddy bear, the security blanket. The totems that carry between the maturation points of our lives.
These weeds, these waves, they will help u. The things that obstruct you, you need.
Powers of observation, not judgement.
How do u contribute to your pain?
When something could have happened but did not. This lives in the flesh not the words.
Meditation on your mother...carefully tread.
The family is the worst invention of God that never existed
Meditation has a certain culture bias.
Am I lovable? Estranged or enmeshed?