Social Engineering 101: Spotting Manipulation
cybersecurity, balance, prevention, trainingJay Twitchellsoft skills, social engineering, manipulation, training, self awareness, communication skills, adversity training, education, cybersecuirty
Hacking Reno: WebApp Pentesting
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Tribe of Hackers
martial arts, cybersecurity, book, prevention, philosophyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, career transition, education, books, self-defense, book review, infosec, hackers, tribes, Marcus J. Carey, advice, recommendations, wisdom, myth, pain management
What Holds Us Together?
cybersecurity, philosophy, psychology, science, preventionJay Twitchellcybersecurity, defense, ICS, education, prevention, career transition, thething, IoT, SIEM, Technology, digital, safety
Dawn of the Bot Hunter
martial arts, cybersecurity, philosophy, writingJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, SOC, threat analysis, Bladerunner, bots, robots, education, Investigator, AI, BHIS, Detective, fight, challenge, future, training, darkent diaries
cybersecurity, historyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, sandworm, dune, digital, international, war, portlnnd, security analysis, threat analysis, William Gibson, Neuromancer, Last Starfighter, solarwind, bootcamp, book review, Bladerunner, education, save the world