Having No Head
Cult of the Dead Cow
history, cybersecurity, philosophy, writing, bookJay TwitchellCDC, Cultofthedeadcow, cybersecurity, hacktivist, IoT, Jaws, It, Wargames, booh review, school, bootcamp, hacking
cybersecurity, historyJay Twitchellcybersecurity, sandworm, dune, digital, international, war, portlnnd, security analysis, threat analysis, William Gibson, Neuromancer, Last Starfighter, solarwind, bootcamp, book review, Bladerunner, education, save the world
Hello Cybersecurity World
psychology, philosophy, pain relief, science, cybersecurityJay Twitchellcybersecurity, cyber, security, bootcamp, experience, virtual machines, security analysis, threat hunter, vulnerability specialist, threat analysis
Homo Deus
meditation, history, balance, philosophy, psychology, pain relief, scienceJay Twitchellbook review, yuval noah harari, science, psychology, history, religion, government, free will, myth, future, challenges, data
Cognitive Bias Codex: Cheat Sheet
meditation, balance, science, psychologyJay Twitchellcognitive bias, bigthink, science, brain, blindspots, Memory, information, problemsolving
Natural Born Heroes
history, exercise, martial arts, pain relief, psychology, science, sensesJay Twitchellsports, fitness, heroes, WW II, spies, greek myths, history, book review
This Naked Mind
Why Are We Yelling?
meditation, martial arts, balance, philosophy, psychologyJay Twitchellarguing, arguements, fights, conflict resolution, meditation, changingminds, problemsolving
The Baseline: Happiness Science
meditation, massage, exercise, balance, psychology, scienceJay Twitchellhappiness, science, research, depression, exercise
Why You Can't Tickle Yourself
Myofascial Memory
Exercise vs. Meds
Cognitive Countering
meditation, history, mindfulness, philosophy, psychology, scienceJay Twitchellsamharris, psychology, cognitivebiases, danielkahneman, shaneparrish
How to Deal With Work Bullies
meditation, exercise, mindfulness, psychologyJay Twitchelltoxicenvironment, workbullies, insomnia, stress management, conflict resolution, employee wellness programs, powermyths
Sleep Myths
Dreaming and Skill Acquisition
Vipassana Notes: Body, Change, Thought, Feeling
exercise, balance, meditation, philosophy, sensesJay TwitchellVipassana, mindfullness, employee engagement, concentration, creativity, mental health, stress management, perception, performance
Notes on Mark Epstein's, Thoughts Without a Thinker
Choking Under Pressure