Breathing Meditation


Focus on the speed of your breath. Without trying to change your natural breath, count the length of inhale and exhale. You will find it slows as your attention to it increases. Once you feel you are breathing naturally, Calmly and slowly build on your breath trying to put one second extra in each exchange. This exercise of the diaphragm stretches and squeezes the internal organs. Let the breath inform you of your internal state.

Become aware of your heart beat pushing against your chest. Feel it pumping blood into the large muscles of your body. Slowing your breath, inhale and scan your back, chest, arms, and legs. Feel for their connections, where they begin and end. Feel the weight of the muscles. Feel the stretching tension created at the joints as you inhale. Your ribs should be inflating, stretching the muscles of your neck and back. Assess your shoulders, knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles as you exhale. Allow that tension to sink down through you into earth. Inhale and lengthen your spine.

Bend your knees slightly as you exhale and feel the fascia connecting everything together. The fascia wraps around and and webs through you, encasing organs, tendons, ligaments, and bones. These tissues hold you together. Breath and feel the expanding body and contract as a whole, fascia connecting muscle, tendon, ligaments, and organs.

Breath into the long bones of the arms and legs. Lengthen between each vertebrae of the spine up to the skull. Imagine the bones of your skull, expanding and contracting, along with the bones in your hands and feet. Feel the bones that support you as you breath. Register the weight hanging on the scaffolding of your bones, from heel to crown, each breath reverberates through the skeleton.

Inhale and feel your skin stretch and contract around your body. Breath and feel the weight of the air on your skin. Feel the temperature of the room. Exhale and reach out through every hair to feel the world around you. Feel the air settle around you, the environment subtly pushing on you, air pressure, moisture. Be aware of gravity pulling you into the earth.

Exhale and send your attention to the distal parts of your body. Your eyelashes, toe nails, finger tips, the thin lens over your eyes. Breath and fill your muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, bones, and skin with oxygen enriched blood. Each breath stretching and moving your organs, pulling and pushing, contracting, and expanding fluids through your body.

Rushing through your tissues, blood and lymph pump thru you with each heartbeat, each breath. With each breath you take in oxygen in exchange for the co2, delivering energy and releasing toxins. Drawing in and expelling molecules. Each breath polarizing every atom in the body.