Tai Chi: Stroke Prevention and Recovery martial arts, exercise, balance, scienceJay TwitchellNovember 7, 2018strokes, heart health, depression, diabetes, tai chiComment
Notes on Sun Style Tai Chi mindfulness, martial arts, exercise, meditationJay TwitchellOctober 31, 2018notes, sunstyletaichi Comment
Tai Chi for Strength martial arts, mindfulness, exercise, balance, scienceJay TwitchellSeptember 13, 2018tai chi, exercise, balance, bone densityComment
Tendon Strength & Chinese Martial Arts martial artsJay TwitchellSeptember 5, 2018fascia, tendons, ligaments, internal martial artsComment
Lightness martial arts, exercise, balanceJay TwitchellAugust 1, 2018lightness, joint health, balance, agilityComment
Movement and Coordination Practice martial arts, exercise, balanceJay TwitchellJuly 30, 2018training, weapons, coordination, range of motionComment
Coaching Journal # 1: Sparring Yourself martial arts, exercise, balance, psychology, writingJay TwitchellJuly 12, 2018journal, coaching, sparring, martial artsComment
How Tai Chi Helps Anxiety mindfulness, meditation, martial arts, exercise, balanceJay TwitchellJune 23, 2018tai chi, research, mindfulnessComment
Mobility Research: Legs and the Brain martial arts, balance, science, pain relief, exerciseJay TwitchellJune 22, 2018exercise, tai chi, Balance, brain function, neurosciecnceComment
Tai Chi- strength and balance martial arts, balanceJay TwitchellJune 19, 2018tai chi, balance, strength, martial artsComment
Chronic Pain Relief and Tai Chi martial arts, pain reliefJay TwitchellJune 11, 2018tai chi, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, massageComment
Slow Movement Builds Coordination science, martial arts, meditation, mindfulness, massageJay TwitchellJune 8, 2018tai chi, portland, coordination, practice, mindfulnessComment
Anatomy Trains and Martial Arts martial artsJay TwitchellJune 7, 2018massage, martial arts, anatomy trains, trainingComment